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Apartado 1094-3000 Heredia, Costa Rica


Interested in serving at VidaNet? The volunteer opportunities available are listed below.

Vida missions coordinator

This person will carry the vision of VidaMissions. He/she will lead the VidaMissions staff team including training Vida220 students to serve as VidaMissions staff. He/she will work closely with the Leadership Team and the teams who come to serve. From September-April the role is very part-time (several hours/week), connecting with interested groups. From May-July the role is full time. English required.

Vida220 Assistant Coordinator

This person assists the Vida220 Coordinator in carrying out all tasks related to Vida220. He or she should be gifted in administration and mentoring. Previous Vida220 team leaders are preferred. English and Spanish preferred.

El Nido Assistant Coordinator

This person will assist the El Nido Coordinator in all tasks related to serving and mentoring the mothers of El Nido. He or she should be gifted in administration as well as mentoring/teaching young moms. Spanish required.

VidaNet Administrator

VidaNet Administrator: This person will serve from the Costa Rica VidaNet base in many administrative roles. He/she must be skilled in administration, technology use, and be a team player. Spanish and English preferred.

Communications Team Member

This person will create videos, reels, newsletters and all social media posts for VidaNet. He/she should be skilled in (or willing to learn) administration, technology use, photography and graphic design. English required. Job location is flexible.

Grandparent Role

Volunteer “grandparents” are welcome to come serve at VidaNet for a season in either Honduras or Costa Rica. As a base filled with young people, we welcome the wisdom and mentorship of elders. Room and board will be provided in exchange for your part-time or full-time presence doing odd jobs, serving as drivers, and being available to mentor others. Retired missionaries preferred. Both Spanish and English are helpful but not required.

If you have served with VidaNet or have participated in our Vida220 Program, please download this application.

If you have NOT served with VidaNet nor participated in our Vida220 Program, please download this application.


We serve to raise up disciples and send out missionaries to spread the gospel of Christ through acts of love.