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Apartado 1094-3000 Heredia, Costa Rica

When you walk down the road, what do you see?

Here in Honduras, we are greeted daily by roaming animals including chickens, cows, dogs and the occasional horse. The dirt roads are lined with colorful homes and beautiful mountain views while roosters crow and moto taxis chug up the mountain. Santa Clara is a peaceful community that we have grown to know and love very much. The best part of the entire town, though, is the people. Anytime the team goes out we are greeted by friends from the church or school. We have been here about two months and have been very intentional with our relationships knowing that our time in Santa Clara will end in May.

Each day we work with about a hundred kids and youth at White Dove Bilingual School, a private Christian school with students from Santa Clara and the surrounding communities. Even though it is a Christian school, most of the kids are only there for a good education not because they or their family are Christians. One day it dawned on me as I was grading quizzes that each one of these kids has a story and many of them are harder than we could ever imagine for kids their age. That perspective has changed my mindset a lot. I only see them for a few hours a day, but what if I am the only person they interacted with that day who pointed them to Jesus? What if the prayer we say at the end of class is the only time that they hear the name of God? How do my interactions plant seeds in their lives in a way that they are able to believe that God is good, holy and loving?

Intentionality is key. Jesus told his disciples clearly in the Great Commission to go and make disciples,. He didn’t tell them to go and that maybe five years later they would know the people well enough to be comfortable with briefly mentioning God to them. His command was to GO and to MAKE DISCIPLES. Life is short and we can’t wait until we feel ready to be a light for Christ where we are right now.

During the training phase of Vida220 we were consistently reminded that the reason we are here is to glorify God, not ourselves or the people around us but the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Even the smallest interactions can make a difference in someone’s life. I´ve been learning that lately because it is really hard to connect with people when I don’t speak Spanish well. Simple little gestures can go a long way, whether it is through a fist-bump, a smile, a hug, or a short ‘buenos días.´

Who will you see today with whom you can share the person and life of Jesus?

By Julia Kramer
Vida220 Student


Comments (2)

Love this article Julia!! Thank you for taking me through the streets with you, learning a bit about your student’s background and most importantly, sharing your heart. A lesson you have learned and shared. All who read this will be challenged and hopefully we will learn the lesson and take action after what we’ve learned. Blessings as you continue to serve and learn in Hondorus.

¡Gracias por compartir tu corazón! ¡Que Dios te bendiga cada día!

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