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Apartado 1094-3000 Heredia, Costa Rica

Nestled within the enchanting landscapes of Spain, I’ve found myself immersed in a truly transformative training – learning how to love and witness to those who are our “cousins”, those Muslims near us.  One man, whom I’ve met on the street multiple times has become an acquaintance with whom I have a good friendship.  We have heard each other’s stories. I have learned to see him as a fellow being created by God.  It is not our differences but the sameness of our humanity that make us long to know the God who created us.

As Spain leans towards secularism and atheism, people are in need of tangible hope. Looking in the Holy Scriptures, we see that God normally didn’t send angels to share his messages; instead, He worked through ordinary folks like you and I.

Responding to the darkness around us, let’s actively become like Jesus—our hands, voices, and actions showing His boundless love. In the larger picture of God’s plan, every place becomes a mission field. The call is clear: Go out and recognize that people around us are eager to hear the life-changing news of Christ, and we are the ones to deliver it.

Who is around you today? I encourage you to not see their differences but to see them as a fellow human on a search. Find your common ground and ask if you can share with them the simple powerful story of the Jesus you know.

By Alex
Vida Global Participant

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Well written Alex.

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