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Apartado 1094-3000 Heredia, Costa Rica

In our weakness, He is strong!

It’s that time of year again! The Vida220 program of 2024-25 has officially begun and the students are diving head-on into their first week of classes. Over the weekend we had the honor of welcoming 16 students from 5 different countries to the base here in Costa Rica. As VidaNet staff, we are thrilled to see how God works in and through each one of their lives.

As I was watching the students hang out together a few days ago, I couldn’t help remembering the feeling of arriving as a student in September last year. At the time I was excited, nervous, overwhelmed, and occasionally a little doubtful that I was even making the right decision. Now as I get to know the students and connect with them more, this time as a Vida220 leader, I’ve caught myself feeling very similar. Many questions come to mind including ‘Am I old or wise enough to do this?’ ‘Is my Spanish good enough?’ and ‘What if I made a huge mistake?’ As I processed these questions and took time to think and pray through them, the Lord brought a story to mind. 



Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians about the thorn in his side that he repeatedly asked the Lord to remove. The Lord responded to Paul that he would not remove the “thorn”, but that, 


“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 


, yes! The Lord used this verse again to refocus my heart from my own weakness onto His ability!  

Even though I may not always believe I am a great Vida220 leader and these students may have moments when they wonder why they are here in Costa Rica instead of in their comfortable homes, our trust is not in ourselves! 

When we turn to Him in our moments of doubt, fear and unknowns, then HE is strong.  Hallelujah! I am excited again.

By Julia Kramer



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