As a Vida220 leader in Honduras, our outreach has taken a different turn and even though COVID-19 is holding people back from being together, I know our God is not held back! He is moving in amazing ways and I was able to be a part of his incredible plan to bless others. In this time of quarantine, we had been praying for direction and different ways on how to move forward despite the difficult situation in the world.
Our great and amazing God opened our eyes to see and hear through other people that families with difficult economic situations live near us and how difficult it is for them to get food.
More than that, many have lost their jobs and fear that it will affect their future after the quarantine is lifted. So upon hearing this, my team and I went to visit an elderly couple and we shared what we had with them. It wasn’t much but we could see that it was the encouragement they needed. They were so happy to receive visitors and hear the love of God. They expressed in more than just words how grateful they were that someone cared for them.
Their son, handicapped to a wheelchair and unable to walk, lives with them but their other children are out of the house. They specifically asked us to pray for their children and the economy that so many are suffering from. Seeing them so happy and grateful that God brought us to their door to bless them with the simple gift of food was so moving. For this family, buying food was difficult and the weight of that struggle affects you. How can we stand by when we know others are struggling and do nothing? Simple answer: You can’t.
We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, flesh and blood walking in the will of God to bring relief to the hurting. But we can’t do this alone, we need your help! Compassion is love with legs and we want to run to the tired, the needy, the hurt and the broken. This is no longer the time to stand on the sidelines.
We ended up praying for them and their entire family, and they were so grateful to see how God demonstrated his love and care through our visit. This was just one family among how many countless others that are affected by COVID-19, these are families that are struggling just to feed themselves. What we at VidaNet are trying to do with Vida Relief is making a difference one family at a time. Will you partner with us to help one more family?
By: Alisson Zambrano
Vida220 Honduras Leader