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Apartado 1094-3000 Heredia, Costa Rica

I was standing astounded before a group of Vida Mission participants. The unexpected emotions welling up within me put tears in my eyes. Somehow I was speechless in a moment that was supposed to be a fluid presentation of Vida220. This almost awkward, yet somehow beautiful moment came during my routine Vida220 presentation.  I give this presentation at the end of every week of Vida Missions. These Vida Missions teams come for ten days and are led by the Vida220 participants, who are in the midst of ten months of intensive discipleship training.

Over the course of these ten months I do my best to disciple them or in other words

“follow me as I follow Christ”

I do this knowing that one day they will replicate the process with someone else, and Vida Missions is the first step towards them replicating it.

It was during the aforementioned Vida220 presentation that I realized the Vida220 participants have taken this next step.They have truly followed Christ to the best of their ability and the Vida Missions participants have followed suit. They have become a living example of what “dying to self” looks like.

Though, the most exciting part is yet to come. On August first they graduate and go out into the world. To clarify, I’m not excited that they are leaving Vida220, but once they go, they will function as leaders in their own communities and churches. This is the goal of Vida220!  What we do here does not just stay with us, but goes far beyond what we could ever imagine.

Like it says in Acts 1:8 they will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

So look out world, here they come!

By Micah Hoover

Vida220 Coordinator

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-27 at 2.22.44 PM-2

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Good word Micah!

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