What do people see when they see you?
In Matthew 5:16, Jesus says “let your light shine before others, so they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.” Jesus, there talks about the fact that people are watching us. Depending on what they see, it can cause them to glorify God!
This is a question we are constantly asking at the VidaNet base in Honduras. What do people see when they see us? First, they see a large tropical property with a small house, dorm rooms, and a kitchen-dining room area – a place with lots of potential. This past year, little by little, we’ve been making it better, painting a wall that looked old, fixing a broken door… things like that. So many people remark how beautiful the base property is. Yet beyond and through the physical, what else will they see here?

Some comments we’ve heard recently from those who have visited Campamento VidaNet in Honduras:
“I never realized how many people in the world still don’t have Bibles! I’m challenged to appreciate what I have and to live on mission at my home church.” -a youth attending a mission event
“I feel I’m in a safe place here where I belong.” -a young mom receiving discipleship through the El Nido pregnancy clinic on the base from Griselda and Maria, staff members
“I never thought before about the importance of intimacy with Jesus.” -a pastor challenged by a recent leadership training we offered
“When I come to the base, I don’t want to leave. I feel I can be myself here, leave my burdens and receive God’s love.” -a local pastor to Steven, staff member

A place to encounter God…. A place to be challenged…. A place to belong… When people see VidaNet Honduras, this is what they see, and through this it brings glory to God! We’ve only been here a year, but already people are seeing glimpses of God through the base and what we’re doing! I don’t know about you, but that excites me.
While you may not be in Honduras, I want to encourage you today. God has placed you where you are for a reason, and people you may not even realize are watching the way you live. Live in a way that glorifies God. Live in a way in your daily life that when people see you, they can praise God and know Him more!
By Austin Zuercher
Campamento VidaNet Base Director

That’s a good word Austin!