It is a process I love! Every September, new students arrive in Vida220, willing to submit themselves to an intense, 10 month, boot-like discipleship-mission school. They have come to Vida220 looking to test the foundations they have built their lives upon and to dig their foundation even deeper into Jesus and His Word. We pour all we have into them, knowing that they are the next generation of church leaders in Central America, the Caribbean, and the United States.

I have watched this intense process of discipleship for 6 years, first as a staff kid, hanging out with students hearing their stories, then as a Vida220 student myself, creating my own stories. Last year, I served as a Vida220 team leader, and now I have said yes to being the next Vida220 Coordinator! Steven Bolanos will continue to train me this fall before he leaves for another ministry in January.

As I began preparing for Vida220, I felt the weight of responsibility. I have 14 students and 3 leaders under my care to care for, plan for, and assist in developing a Christian worldview. Before the students arrived, our leadership team for Vida220- coordinators and team leaders- spent two days sheltered in a cabin on the side of Poas volcano. We reviewed manuals, talked about schedules, planned mountains of details, and most of all, built relationships with each other. As I got to know these incredible people on our retreat, more and more of my worries about the future school melted away. These incredible leaders have such a passion for God and are so gifted in leadership that I know the students are in good hands. I believe that if I disappeared, they would continue on, discipling the students, as if I never left. We are a team and we’re all in this together.
VidaNet exists to develop global disciples of Jesus Christ through intensive discipleship-mission opportunities. These leaders are the product of this vision and now they will carry out the vision for the next generation of disciples. As I equip and enable these leaders to do their job, God continues to draw me out of my comfort zone and closer to him. It is never comfortable, but I do love this process!
By Micah Hoover
Vida220 Coordinator

You’re gonna do a great job!
Wow micah, may God continue to shed blessings on you as you continue your walk this awesome Journey in God’s Kingdom. Prayers and love go with you, Grandpa Andy
So good Micah. Loved our week together. And yes, Orelle, Jocelyn, and Lorianna are excellent leaders. You were awesome in leading and loving us all. Bless you brother! Mark