As you bump along the lake-side road through Los Naranjos (“Orange Trees”) in Honduras and weave up a slight hill, the welcoming sign on your left reads, “Campamento VidaNet” (Camp VidaNet). Tropical flowers wave and palm trees tower overhead in the humid air as a few young adults come out to greet you. Welcome to Campamento VidaNet!
In early February, VidaNet Director, Wendell Nofziger, is in Honduras working towards making the purchase of the Honduras VidaNet base official!

Why another base in Honduras? VidaNet exists to provide intensive discipleship and mission opportunities to those within the Americas, and especially to those within Latin America. Many of the key churches and church networks VidaNet serves are in Honduras, El Salvador, & Guatemala (who, along with Nicaragua, make up the Central America 4 or the CA-4). As you can see from the map, these countries are not close to Costa Rica where the current VidaNet base, Casa VidaNet, is located. Citizens of the CA-4 do not need a visa to move from country to country. Church leaders have affirmed that a location closer to them and to which they don’t need a visa to go would be greatly beneficial! The Honduras discipleship base is ideally located for these reasons.
It’s history? The land was previously owned by a Mennonite family who developed it for discipleship. When they returned to the States, they desired the property still be used for similar purposes. A wonderful Honduran family remained on the property as caretakers and ministry partners, continuing the discipleship presence in the community. The original owners were pleased to rent – and now to sell – the property to VidaNet at a reduced rate to see it used for similar purchases. All who have partnered there desire the discipleship seeds sown in that prayer-saturated soil develop to maturity and bear fruit!
VidaNet now has four staff members living and serving at the discipleship base. They will continue to mobilize local churches in mission, provide a location for retreats and camps, offer the ALPHA course for those seeking truth, and begin El Nido to disciple pregnant women. Austin, Honduras staff team leader, reports, “The base property is absolutely beautiful here in the hills of Honduras, and I believe it will serve as a great location to help mobilize the Latin American church for missions.”
As the staff team listens to the church leaders and is engaged in the community, the VidaNet leadership team believes God will lead us in how to best develop this base to multiply the discipleship and mission of the churches of the CA-4 to the glory of God.

Donations to complete the purchase of Campamento VidaNet in Honduras can be made by going to our ‘Donate’ page.
By Wendell & Melanie Nofziger
VidaNet Directors