There is a buzz of excitement in the air during this final week of Vida220 training before the Christmas holidays. Even this grandpa of the four Nofziger grandkids and abuelo (grandpa) of the thirteen Vida220 participants is excited. What a delight to be an up-close observer in this 3-month discipleship boot camp.
We hear their laughter and banter across the parking lot as they set off for early morning exercises. We often join them for 7 AM group devotions followed by silent personal devotions until the 8 AM breakfast bell. We watch the whole team doing push-ups if any member is not on time to an event. We observe their wistful appearance as every Wednesday fasting day winds towards the anticipated evening meal.

We join their wholehearted, exuberant worship before morning teaching sessions as well as most Sunday evenings. We listen and learn with them in the impacting daily training sessions. We enter their joyful bantering while they do Saturday morning laundry by hand in the driveway. We shudder as we imagine their cold showers. We don’t know whether to sympathize or rejoice with their complete freedom from digital devices, except for their two hours of phone time on Saturday afternoons. Altogether, it appears much like I’d imagine a military boot camp married to an intensive Christian discipleship training.
Vida220 lives out one method of accomplishing Jesus’ command, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” It is a similar model to Lancaster Conference’s former YES program and to the worldwide YWAM model. After these 3 months of intensive training at this Costa Rica base, the participants, originating from Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Pennsylvania, are divided into outreach teams. Right after Christmas, this year’s outreach teams head out to western Costa Rica, Honduras, and Spain. A testimony to the program’s effectiveness in spiritual maturation is that two of this year’s team leaders were last year’s Vida220 students.

We’ve prayed with them as they‘ve struggled through self-denial, interpersonal conflicts, and doctrinal stretching. We’ve rejoiced with them as they’ve fallen more in love with Jesus. And periodically we serve Grandma’s much-loved homemade cookies.
Being a Vida220 grandparent is a delightful way to invest this retirement year! Even we are being discipled by Vida220. Thank you, Jesus!
By Philip & Linda Byler
VidaNet Grandparents

I love the update and pictures Phil. A New Year’s blessing to you and Linda as you show His light to all that you are involved with. God is good, Andy and Jean
I love the way you are giving of yourselves in your later years. Interacting with younger generation can be so encouraging. After many years in Bible translation project for Bribri Indians, we chose to retire in CR. Observing our daughter and husband spend about 30 years with YWAM has been a blessed privilege. May God continue to use you folks and your commitment to be involved in kingdom work. We’ve enjoyed following Delynn and Gloria’s vision and even though he has been promoted the vision continues. May God be glorified in the efforts of this ministry.
Hey brother. So fun to read!! You are such a blessing. Look forward to being together via zoom in a few weeks! Love you! Bless you! Love to Linda and your family!