It’s a cold night, typical for up here on the mountain at VidaNet but unlike every other night, it’s Thursday night of Vida Missions training. (If you know then you know…) I’m sitting in the back of the classroom contemplating my final decision to have worship outside after the crucifixion drama.
My inner thoughts include but are not limited to: “We have a schedule to keep. Why is it raining again? Did I make the right call to have it all outside, is it too late to change it? Will the rain stay away or will we end with worship inside like almost every other week? Will the ground be too wet? Will people actually get into worship? Should I have changed songs?…” I think it is safe to say that I am an ‘over-thinker’ and this night is especially worrisome. On top of everything, this is my last Vida Missions training that I am going to be a part of so I want it to go great, right?
Among all these thoughts in my head there is a simpler one, “Enjoy this…” I have to kind of focus on that thought. I know it’s God speaking. “Enjoy this? God, it is my last one, I have to make sure everything goes right, I have to get the speaker out there and-” I think. “Enjoy this.” I hear him say it again, just as before.

So we continue as scheduled, the drama continues. We end up by the cross out back and I start the music while my thoughts are running: “Is the music too loud, not loud enough? Will the speaker or my computer get wet, even though they are under a trash bag?” I can’t help myself and my anxious thoughts. Then I hear again, Enjoy this. So finally I do. I sit in the wet grass and look at everyone around me – standing?!
“God, why is everyone just standing? Is there something wrong with the music? Don’t let my last crucifixion end this way, I did everything I was supposed to do. What isn’t right?” Then it finally hit me – I wasn’t letting God have the control and enjoy the moment HE WAS CREATING. I was trying to do everything myself. I wasn’t letting God take center stage, I was trying to steal his show, his glory. I finally got it: Enjoy this.

So I finally did. I figuratively sat back (still on the wet grass) and immediately I saw people come forward and kneel at the cross, people turning towards each other and praying. I was in the way of what God was trying to do. I was stealing his show, so he was stealing it back!
I think we do that so often in life, we try to steal God’s show. We try to take control and be center stage, when really it is God making it all happen. We have to consciously relinquish control, step away from our worries, our anxieties because when God shows up, everything changes. It is no longer about us standing on the wet grass praying but we can see God working, plus He held off the rain.
Every day we can choose to let Him steal the show and we can sit back and watch him work. Our plans, our future, our dreams, our hearts, let Him take it and do something amazing, like only HE can do.
By Laura Miller
Vida Missions Program Coordinator

Laura I love who you are and how you shine Jesus.. WE are going to miss you a ton!!
That is an AWESOME word from God! “ENJOY”! Thank you for hearing it and sharing with us!!
Hi, Laura,
When I started reading this article, I wondered if you were the author, since I know that you are moving on to something else soon! I am in a big stage of transition in my life, too (as you know), and I have just started a new job and am working SO hard to get it right and be perfect that I find myself struggling with anxiety and feelings of failure. In addition, everything just seems so uncertain, and it’s tiring! I needed the message you shared, and God really used your story to speak to me about releasing my days and my expectations into His care and ENJOYING His blessings and faithful presence. Thank you for passing on your insights. God bless you in your new endeavors 🥰.