Have you ever wanted to make a difference? Have you ever seen something and knew that a change needed to be made? Sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start. Something we have learned as a ministry is this: You can’t just sit there, and you can’t let the world pass by while you do nothing, especially for the Kingdom of God. Through the past few years DaVida has been working towards a mobilization of the youth here in Costa Rica and it is happening!

Under the umbrella of VidaNet, DaVida’s new program Movilízate has been working to mobilize Costa Ricans to get up and make a change in their communities and others around them. Movilízate, “Mobilize yourself”, is a movement that was born first in the heart of God and then placed in the hearts of pastors and leaders of the Mennonite churches in Costa Rica, and has sparked a change that we are seeing in the lives of youth and adults throughout Costa Rica.
Movilízate’s vision is to see a new generation passionate about living the gospel of Christ, committed to His kingdom and willing to step outside of their comfort zone through service to others, with the conviction that we have been called to love, called to GO, called to proclaim the gospel of Christ to others.
Our Mission is “to show the love that God has for each one of us and to proclaim the gospel of His son, Jesus, and His great love shown on the cross, through service. A commitment to God and His mission, along with this also a commitment to the local church and outward, part of our principles are: above all, respect for the community and church where we arrive, remembering that we are there to serve and be a blessing to others, restoring, forming and loving communities and showing God’s love for each of His children.”

It all began with a lack of mobility in churches, no one was going out to seek the lost. They were forgetting what Jesus spoke of in the gospels, searching for the lost sheep. Each of the pastors and leaders of these churches knew that this was the moment that God was waiting for, to get them out of their church pews and move towards those who have not been able to experience the inexhaustible and wonderful love of God.
The desire to bring the gospel of love, freedom and salvation that Jesus commands us to in the Great Commission.
Currently, Movilízate works with short trips (3 to 5 days) of missions in different local churches in Costa Rica. During this trip we use the churches as a bridge (connection) with the communities to bring the gospel of salvation that Jesus sent us as his disciples to announce to all creatures. Within the trip’s programming different activities are carried out: physical work with different projects that the church we are visiting has, evangelism programs with the community, programs with youth and children, conducting worship services, and recreational activities with the community. It’s Costa Ricans or ‘ticos’ reaching other ticos.

Our dream is that this program grows and impacts more lives, just as it has already impacted those already involved, both those who participate in the trips and people from the various communities we have visited. With every meeting, Movilízate is growing and we want to see people from all over Costa Rica, for every church to get involved, seeking to instill the importance of loving others by showing the love of God in practical ways.
Our prayer is that people will be encouraged to not just sit there as life passes by but to step up and share the gospel with those around them.

By Steven Kiambli
VidaNet Staff Member
Such a good story Steven and proud to work with you.