We are saddened to share the news of DeLynn Hoover, VidaNet’s Executive Director’s, passing on July 13. He and his wife, Gloria, had been living and serving on the Honduras VidaNet base for the past few months and he had a heart attack Monday morning, July 13. His funeral was held in Honduras on Tuesday morning, July 14. DeLynn (48) lived a life full of passion for God and for serving Him through the ministry of VidaNet and in all aspects of his life. He died doing what he loved – serving God and making disciples of Christ.
DeLynn was born on April 14, 1972, in Lancaster, PA, to Harold H. and Eva Jane (Nolt) Hoover. He married Gloria Stauffer on Aug 7, 1993. He received a Communications degree from Cedarville University, moved to Costa Rica in 2003, and started PVM, renamed VidaNet. DeLynn is survived by his wife, Gloria; daughter, Carmelinda and son-in-law, Vincent Miller; adopted son, Manuel de Jesus; his parents; brother, Troy and sister-in-law, Stacy (Rutt) Hoover. DeLynn was buried near the VidaNet base in Honduras.
A few words from the VidaNet Board of Directors:
We are all shocked and deeply saddened by the sudden passing of our friend and colleague Delynn Hoover this past week. We grieve with the Hoover family. Yet, God’s grace has also been amazing. The VidaNet Staff and surrounding community, along with many friends and partners from around the world, have quickly stepped in to serve and offer help, comfort, and assistance to the Hoover family and to the ministry in this difficult time.
As a Board, we are committed to walking with the VidaNet Team and the Hoover family as we all adjust to a new unwanted reality. Even though Delynn is no longer with us, his passion and life’s work is still being carried out by capable leaders and staff in Costa Rica and Honduras. Vidanet is still at work, continuing to receive funding and distribute services as a non-profit. For now, the ministry is on stable ground with solid leaders. They will hold things steady in the interim season. In the coming days we will be seeking God’s guidance and counsel. Together we will forge a path for the future.

There are some urgent needs and immediate expenses. These are the result of two things: COVID-19 restrictions and the resulting impact on Vida220 students who must return home soon, and organizational details related to Delynn’s passing that require our response. Please consider giving to help us in the coming season. More details are in this e-letter./Finally, thank you for praying for and standing with Gloria Hoover, Carmelinda and Vincent Miller, and the entire VidaNet Team. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
You are greatly appreciated!
Doug Gehman, Chairman (doug@globeintl.org)
Steve Shank, Vice President (steve.shank@emm.org)
Anthony Weber, Secretary (anthonyweber@cigonline.org)
Mark Troyer, Treasurer (marktroyer@aol.com)
An Update from VidaNet’s Head of Finance:
Greetings to each one of you from VidaNet in the mountains of Costa Rica. My heart is breaking as we process the unexpected death of our brother in Christ, fellow minister of the gospel and dear friend. I have so many questions and yet that is probably what makes life feel somewhat normal right now. The difficulty with these questions is that the guy who usually had the answers is conversing face to face with Jesus. Amidst these very hard times, God beckons and we lean into Him even more. Just 2 days before DeLynn passed away, he presented an urgent need requesting your help to get our Latino Vida220 students back home. I stand in awe of God’s hand of provision to say that 7 of them miraculously made it across closed borders and are home! We still have six students that need another miracle or simply for borders to open. We are waiting on, trusting in and asking of, The Maker of Miracles.
I would like to reiterate the urgent financial need Delynn presented to you. In addition to getting our Latino students home, due to the pandemic we’re living through, we have had to cancel our summer Vida Missions teams and therefore we are operating in a deficit. While we are truly grateful for our faithful monthly support base, it is not sufficient to cover our monthly expenses. Due to the compilation of these situations and unanticipated expenditures, there is an urgent financial need of $38,000.
This dollar amount is comprised of:
-Funeral expenses
-Travel expenses
-Monthly deficit through end of year
-Hospital bill
This amount may seem staggering, yet we know this is not our battle. I present this need to you, our VidaNet family of supporters, and humbly ask your help in alleviating this urgent financial need. We are grieving yet filled with hope as we trust in The One who provides. We choose to celebrate what God continues to do through VidaNet and we invite you to be part of growing up and reaching out to see disciples made … To glorify God!
For your tax deductible gift, simply go to vidanet.org/ homepage and you can give directly to each of these needs. Thank you so much for standing with us during this difficult time.
From all of us at VidaNet, you are greatly appreciated!