Ever felt like quitting? Cold to the bone, dark sky, and big wet drops of water on my glasses add to the discouragement already collecting in my mind from yet another “no show” from our community outreach DaVida activities. “So much work, all thrown to waste!” That thought often echoes, encouraging me to give up. That was all until one day when I heard something that changed everything:
“Tortu (the shortened way of saying my nickname tortuga) for a while we’ve been wanting to ask you this but we didn’t know how to ask.”

“Tortu (the shortened way of saying my nickname tortuga) for a while we’ve been wanting to ask you this but we didn’t know how to ask…”

‘“Rain, everything drenched in rain, will anyone even come?” This thought seems to often flood my mind many times as we anticipate beginning our weekly ministries. You see, where we live it doesn’t just rain, it downpours. The people we reach out to don’t have cars and they walk uphill all the way to Casa VidaNet. I doubt there is even an umbrella that will protect you from the intense wind blowing rain, relentless in soaking you. Whether monday night english clubs, or Tuesday afternoon kids clubs and art clubs, the weather can sometimes cast a dark cloud over our plans. These activities are designed to give us a way to encourage discipleship at the speed of relationships. And as you can imagine after several weeks of religious rain it can honestly be very discouraging seeing no one show up, leading me to ask “Well God, what’s the point? In all of this?”
‘“Rain, everything drenched in rain, will anyone even come?” This thought seems to often flood my mind many times as we anticipate beginning our weekly ministries. You see, where we live it doesn’t just rain, it downpours. The people we reach out to don’t have cars and they walk uphill all the way to Casa VidaNet. I doubt there is even an umbrella that will protect you from the intense wind blowing rain, relentless in soaking you. Whether monday night english clubs, or Tuesday afternoon kids clubs and art clubs, the weather can sometimes cast a dark cloud over our plans. These activities are designed to give us a way to encourage discipleship at the speed of relationships. And as you can imagine after several weeks of religious rain it can honestly be very discouraging seeing no one show up, leading me to ask “Well God, what’s the point? In all of this?”

However, rain or shine, there is at least one family that without fail always comes to our activities. Dany, Naty, and their two daughters Brenda (10 years old) and Bianca (7 years old). Even if nobody else shows up, this family braves the dreadful weather to be here! Their last names could quite easily be fiel (faithful) because they have truly made our VidaNet activities a priority in their lives. It has been truly amazing to see what God has been doing in their lives.

Naty (the mom) once told us that Bianca, their youngest daughter, often retells the Bible stories she hears here at our kids clubs, in her house and even to her friends. Even Dany (the dad) once picked up a Bible coloring book we had scattered across the table for children at English club and told me: “You know, the Bible has really good stories; doesn’t it?”
“Okay God” many times I have to say while seeing the rain rapidly fly down from the roof. Through them God has been slowly whispering to me, that the amount of participants doesn’t matter, that He is faithful to leave the real impact on people. Even when a downpour is all that I see.
Naty (the mom) once told us that Bianca, their youngest daughter, often retells the Bible stories she hears here at our kids clubs, in her house and even to her friends. Even Dany (the dad) once picked up a Bible coloring book we had scattered across the table for children at English club and told me: “You know, the Bible has really good stories; doesn’t it?”
“Okay God” many times I have to say while seeing the rain rapidly fly down from the roof. Through them God has been slowly whispering to me, that the amount of participants doesn’t matter, that He is faithful to leave the real impact on people. Even when a downpour is all that I see.

However, two weeks ago Dany and Naty came to see me at the base, which is very normal, but this time they forewarned me saying they were coming with a question for me. I had no idea what they were going to ask me however they informed me it was something very special.
Turning to me they said: “Tortu (the shortened way of saying my nickname tortuga) for a while we’ve been wanting to ask you this but we didn’t know how to ask. We would like to learn a lot more and we don’t know much, would you be able to teach us how to read the Bible?” As soon as they asked me I was in shock, while they were open to the things of God, I definitely wasn’t expecting this question. I agreed, and four weeks ago we started reading through the book of Luke together. They are very eager to learn, and the spiritual hunger I’m seeing in them, is evidence God birthed this in them. I am truly excited to see where God will lead. Discipleship is happening! They are hungry for God and we have been able to share coffee while God feeds their spirits.

God is moving in Casa VidaNet and we are excited to see how God will not only transform this family but use them to open the door in other homes of our community. Thanks so much for being part of what God is doing here, your financial support allows for this to happen and your prayers are vital to seeing transformations like this!
God is moving in Casa VidaNet and we are excited to see how God will not only transform this family but use them to open the door in other homes of our community. Thanks so much for being part of what God is doing here, your financial support allows for this to happen and your prayers are vital to seeing transformations like this!

By Austin Zuercher
DaVida staff