VidaNet serves as an umbrella covering and organization for several ministires which have been pioneered and are maintained by VidaNet. These ministries are dedicated to missions and discipleship.

Vida Missions is designed to be more that your average mission trip. We put your trip on steroids turning it into an intense “discipleship experience” where students grow toward Jesus by leaps and bounds.
Want to see lasting life change in the lives of your group?
Check out Vida Missions!
DaVida is our year-long outreach ministry program. Literally meaning “Give Life” in Spanish, DaVida is the conduit through which our other programs are able to reach out and touch the world around them as representatives of Jesus Christ.
Vida220 is a program that challenges young adults to experience growth as disciples of Jesus as well as servanthood in the church and beyond. Through intense training, practical ministry experiences and leadership opportunities a lasting imprint will remain on the student who dares to step out of the status quo toward the radical lifestyle of discipleship. This is a 10-month international discipleship school that should be experienced by all who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ.
Vida Global works at sending workers into the harvest locally, regionally and internationally. This includes: Recruitment preparation, sending and accompaniment of those individuals. Awakening the Latin American church to send, go and support world missions.
We serve to raise up disciples and send out missionaries to spread the gospel of Christ through acts of love