Jesus calls all of us as His followers to “Go and Make Disciples” (The Great Commission, Matthew 28:19) DeLynn and Gloria Hoover felt a cross-cultural call to “Make Disciples” and in January 2003 moved their small family to Costa Rica.
Blessed with the unique gifts, life experiences and a family background in Latin American missions, the Hoovers began working with interns and short-term staff to launch the original program Vida Missions. That first summer, 35 youth from the US worked with a church in Puerto Viejo, one of the first 20 churches with which the ministry had first established relationships. Since this time Vida Missions has sent thousands of youth, adults and families to the 40 plus churches that make up the Nehemiah network.
The various ministries were incorporated in January 2009 as a non-profit organization called VidaNet. The stateside office was established in Akron, Pennsylvania and VidaNet became governed by a board of directors which represents the reach of the ministry. DeLynn Hoover served as VidaNet’s first Executive Director and Administrator. Over the years multiple ministries developed and became part of the VidaNet structure.
In July 2020 DeLynn passed away, yet his legacy and God’s vision for VidaNet is still being followed. We are thankful to God for DeLynn’s heart and hard work.
In April 2021, Wendell Nofziger became the new Executive Director of VidaNet and moved to Costa Rica with his wife, Melanie, and their four kids. Together with Daryl and Jen Hoover and Manuel and Liz Salas, the Nofzigers serve as the current Leadership Team of VidaNet.
We encourage you to come visit us and enjoy the exciting things God is doing here.

We serve to raise up disciples and send out missionaries to spread the gospel of Christ through acts of love