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Apartado 1094-3000 Heredia, Costa Rica
Come to KNOW GOD
Vida220 is a ten month international and bilingual discipleship training program open to those 18 and older who are interested in deepening their experience as disciples and gaining experience in missions and ministry.
It challenges young adults to experience growth as disciples of Jesus as well as servanthood in the church and beyond. Through intense training, practical ministry experiences and leadership opportunities, a lasting imprint will remain on the student who dares to step out of the status quo toward the radical lifestyle of discipleship.
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Vida220 is named from Galatians 2:20,

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Vida220 is all about dying to self to experience the life and joy of being connected with Jesus, the Master.


Months of TRAINING

Through passionate worship, personal time with God, ministry experiences, classes from international speakers, and exciting and challenging activities, these first three training months create an atmosphere that will encourage you towards deeper intimacy with God. You will discover both your Identity in Christ, as well as your mission to Go and Make Disciples, all while building incredible relationships with other students from many different countries.


Months of OUTREACH

What’s a better way to learn than to apply it on the field? You will be placed on an outreach team and will serve alongside a local church in either Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, or Costa Rica. This gives you the opportunity to use your gifts, and  witness God use them to transform the community around you . From kids ministry to construction, evangelism to church involvement, you will be challenged to be the hands and feet of Jesus, dying to yourself for the greatest call of all, to love as He first loved us.


Months of LEADERSHIP Training

After each of these experiences, you will return to our discipleship base to participate in 2 months of hands on leadership training, having the chance to walk with others through the process of discipleship as you take on leadership positions. Through this you will grow not only in leadership but also in abilities and experience to guide others and into the deeper discipleship. And to finish it all out, through an intense mission experiences you will be equipped to focus your life on your calling, to go and make disciples!

in a new
Dare to step out of  your comfort zone
and walk in an intense discipleship