What is the chief end of man?
Last October, the students sat in the classroom at Casa VidaNet, not knowing what was in store for the next 10 months. As they sat there, I stood in front and explained one of the most important questions we may ask in our lives, ‘What is the chief end of man?’. While the students pondered this question, I began to read the Westminster Shorter Catechism. It reads, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God & to enjoy Him forever.” Not knowing what role this would play in the students’ lives, I continued with the lesson, explaining to them how we are able to glorify God & how we can enjoy him forever.

Fast forward to July 2023, and the same students that once sat in our classroom in October are not the same students they were then. They have grown and matured so much in their faith throughout the last 10 months and, as we approach graduation next week, I am confident that they have a clear purpose in their lives – to glorify God & enjoy Him forever. It’s beautiful to see that one class, given months ago, that I thought would not have much of an impact, has resonated so deeply in the hearts and minds of the students today.

I can see today, that this is not just knowledge that they have or notes in their journals, but this is how they live their lives. What a delight it is to see them walking firmly & faithfully in the way of the Lord, searching to glorify & enjoy Him daily. As they graduate and head home in the coming weeks, I pray that they would continue to be impacted by this question and answer. I hope and pray that wherever they are, in any stage of their lives, that they would have an eternal impact, being the light in this dark world.
To God be the glory forever & ever. Amen.
By Steven Bolaños
Vida220 Coordinator

You led a great team Steve. Thanks for your leadership and input to so many lives who are on the journey with Jesus more assured because of your guidance.