At the end of every day on outreach, we gathered in our very hot living room, with fans blowing on us. We asked, “Why are we here?” and responded, “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” We then shared ways we glorified God that day as well as any other “highs and lows” from the day. This was sobering because daily we saw how big and small moments can all glorify God, which is our chief end.
I learned that “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever” is so much different than just attending church. Before Vida220, I was in a lot of leadership positions in church, but in some ways I was fooling myself. Like many others, I was still in danger of going to hell while busy doing “church” activities. I have learned that glorifying God starts with being with Him, then obeying all He says to do. He desires to change us so that we love him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

I’ve also learned to glorify God by dying to myself. Vida220 comes from Galatians 2:20, which is “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.” This year, I’ve had to die to myself by learning to take orders which don’t always make sense to me. I just turned 27, and have been in a lot of leadership roles the last 7 years. Coming into Vida220, I went from being in charge and having 100% freedom to now submitting to others and having no freedom. (Well, I still have some, but it feels like I don’t!) Daily God has been teaching me to die to myself by submitting to Him, ultimately, even when it comes through my team members and other imperfect leaders. This has been so hard, but so good for me! I’m thankful that Jesus has enabled me to do so in His strength.

I’ve learned to glorify God by living in the moment. Toward the end of outreach, our team leader, Maria, gave us some letters we wrote near the beginning of our Vida220 training -when we were young and a whole lot dumber! We were all in our living room taking turns reading our letter and laughing at how immature, green, and high-spirited we were. One thing we had in common in our letters was the desire to live in the moment, and that became a theme for us on outreach. It is easy to worry about the future or hold on to things from the past. But Jesus wants us not to worry about tomorrow. It glorifies God when we live in the moment.
I’m thankful for the pain and joy of Vida220 – helping me to flesh out that the chief purpose of my existence is to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
By Orelle Castillo
Vida220 Student