The wind is blowing, the boat is full, it’s time to raise the sails!
The first week and a half of February was full of 40+ hours of meetings seeking vision and clear guidance from the Lord as the Central American church body becomes more and more involved in world missions. Many people know the need, and many people have responded to the Lord’s call on their lives to become active participants with Him in mission, but the steps to get there are not often clear. The boat is full of His people who want to go, who want to give, who are already praying, and they are anxious to raise the sails and move!

In Honduras, VidaNet director, Wendell Nofziger, and assistant director, Manuel Salas, attended CoDiMi (Missions and Discipleship Committee) meetings with a group of the presidents of the Mennonite Convention in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize and Costa Rica, as well as the president of EMM (Eastern Mennonite Missions) and other leaders. The goal of CoDiMi since its beginning around 2017 has been to increase discipleship and mission involvement in the Mennonite church all over Central America. We are hopeful that we will receive even more Vida220 students from their churches and that there will be greater support for those who are ready and waiting to be sent to the field overseas!

As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands
Isaiah 55:10-12
A few days later, I (Liz Sweigart) had the opportunity to travel to Talamanca, Costa Rica to attend more mission focused meetings held by LAMP (Latin American Missions Program: a ministry of Rosedale International). We studied the Bible, prayed and sought to form a solid plan for moving into missions to unreached people groups with an excited group of growing, young disciples from Talamanca. They are full of vision and passion to fulfill this God-given calling and we look forward to seeing them do it!
I recently watched a movie called True Spirit, which is the story of an Australian teen who became the youngest person to sail solo and unassisted around the world. She faces setbacks and challenges, similar to what we face as we work in missions and discipleship. Lack of funds, massive storms, pessimism from onlookers, times of smooth sailing, and even times when the wind stops blowing and everything comes to a halt. I was impressed by her tenacity and bravery to face all of those challenges alone. Praise the Lord that He is with us every step of the way. Every storm, every moment of smooth sailing, and every stretch of windless sea is marked by his presence and goodness! We will not give up until His Word is fulfilled.

By Liz Swiegart
VidaNet Leadership Team Member

Excellent Liz. Such a perfect analogy! Looking forward to being with you all in a month! “How can I thank God enough for you for all the joy I have in his presence because of you!!!!!” (1 Thess 3:9).