Community Soccer games are one of the most frequent things we do during Vida Missions. During the last night on outreach with a group, we went to the soccer field to play with the locals. Some of us began to play while I and others went to the bleachers, to watch the game. And that’s when I noticed it, the sky began to change colors; a sunset was unfolding. I continued talking to one of the leaders, when the beauty of the sky interrupted me, compelling me to exclaim, “Wow…look at the stripes in the sky. The sun is getting ready to set.” to which the leader replied “I think it’s going to be beautiful”.
As our conversation continued, one of the girls came running up to the bleachers with so much excitement and grabbed her phone so she could take a picture of the sunset. As she left the bleachers and anxiously ran back on the field, I noticed that she kept running farther and farther out and then turned in my direction to take a picture.
“That’s funny” I thought in my mind, I didn’t understand why she would be facing my direction. “What is she doing? Why is she facing this way if the sunset (that I’m seeing) is the other direction? She’s going to miss it!”
With a huge joyful smile, I watched her visibly transfixed with awe. From her excitement I could tell that what she was looking must have been something awesome. I was compelled, I simply ran to see what had left her so astonished.
Once there, her feeling, to me was reciprocated as I was met with one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. It filled across the entire sky with such vibrant colors, and equally filled my heart with so much peace and happiness. All I could do was laugh and scream,
This Summer of 2019 over 65 youth from different churches in the USA came on short term mission trips to Central America to serve several communities and gained a new view of God, the global church, and themselves.
As I look back now, from this simple memory, being awestruck by a sunset, two very valuable lessons begin to emerge.
First, most importantly, God is (always) Good! Leading up to the moment with the sunset, I had never taken the time to realize that God is Good. Sure my mind may recite that, but do I really understand it? Looking back through the events of the week even if our schedule full of evangelism and work wasn’t always good, God is good. Maybe we forgot to realize that, in the absence of witnessing something stand out to take our breath away, but that surely does not mean that God wasn’t good. Our understanding of success or impact in the kingdom, must be firm in that understanding that, God is always good.

And the second lesson, was taught to me from one of youth. Remember the girl who grabbed her phone and looked back in my direction? Remember how she had to walk further and further until she got the full view? Something inside me was drawn to follow after her. From her awestruck expression I wanted to see the full view; I wanted to see what she was seeing. Because of her, I left the bleachers and saw the full view. Many times all we need to do is walk a little further out to get the entire view of something (or a situation). Willingly we must leave our comfortable seats if we ever want to see the whole beauty of the sky, what we are meant to see. I could have stayed back and just been content with my view, but I chose to move, I decided to see the full view. With a grateful heart I can say that the view was worth it. My seat was definitely worth leaving for those few minutes. It was absolutely worth it.
This summer, God has been evident in many ways. He has sparked hearts with His goodness, planting a deeper longing to know more, and with this hunger as the new starting mark, the journey to discipleship has now begun. He is faithful to continue to walk with each longing heart, taking care of each life that was sparked with the reality of the gospel alive and transforming.
Disciples were made, through Vida Missions 2019. Staff discipled youth, youth discipled one another, and God tenderly discipled each and every one of us. We were each given a refreshed mind and a new change of heart. God planted his seeds, and now the seeds are growing.

And now stepping back, much like the sunset, we can catch a glimmer of the endless beauty of the whole sky. Knowing that all the nation’s will touched by the seeds planted, this is simply just part of the start of true discipleship, with one who designed it.
By: Kara Shilling
Vida Missions Administrative Assistant